Beyond Lockdown

Preventing and Responding
to Extreme School Violence


Welcome to CPPS's video training program, "Beyond Lockdown: Preventing and Responding to Extreme School Violence." 

In today's society, school violence is, unfortunately, becoming more and more prevalent, and as a result, lawmakers, parents, and students are all searching for solutions to keep our children and educators safe.

That's where CPPS comes in. This video training program is designed to educate and equip students, parents, teachers, counselors, and administrators with the knowledge and tools they need to not only respond effectively in the event of violence but also to identify warning signs before they escalate into tragedy.

In just 15 minutes, you'll learn how to recognize observable indicators of potential violence and how to properly respond to prevent it. We firmly believe that early intervention can be the key to saving lives, and we're dedicated to being a positive force in the battle for school safety.

To learn more, please fill out the form below. Together, we can make a difference in keeping our schools safe.


Did you know this program is a part of our Safe Workplace Unlimited Package?