Essential Defense: Navigating Workplace Violence Prevention Training
Workplace violence training is the armor needed to protect today's workforce – that’s the easy part to identify. The challenging part is navigating who should receive training, the required content, and at what level it should take place to comply with industry standards and best practices.
Three Things I Wish Threat Management Teams Would Remember
Threat Assessment is not the same as Profiling. This is not true. Threat Assessment is, in actuality, the “antithesis of profiling.” Profiling involves generalizing about an individual actions/behavior based on the individual’s similarity to high-risk groups; it is an inductive process which is not generally useful when potential threats or acts, of Intentional or Targeted Violence.
Three Keys to Running an Effective Behavioral Threat Assessment & Management Program
Within the collective process of Workplace Violence Prevention and Intervention (WVPI), the employment of a robust Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management (BTAM) program cannot be stressed enough. BTAM is continuing to be adopted in many arenas throughout society: schools, businesses, communities, government agencies, non-profits, faith-based organizations, and more. Its utility is becoming increasingly recognized. After acts of mass shootings, and other extreme violence events, it’s common for warning signs to be uncovered that identified an individual was progressing towards their crime. A unique factor about BTAM is that it seeks to identify whether someone may be progressing towards intentional/targeted violence before an incident occurs. Organizations are commonly challenged with circumstances where one’s behavior is inappropriate or concerning, but it doesn’t rise to the level that allows law enforcement to intervene. This is the space that those responsible for BTAM commonly operate. Here’s three key concepts that are centric to implementing a BTAM program.
Threat Management Teams are proven to reduce risks and costs to the organization through more efficient detection and response.