Safe Harbor: Travel Safety
and Security Awareness

eLearning Course for Individual Travelers

International Travel plays a distinguished role in our lives. As enjoyable as travel can be, there are also things that could derail your travel experience.

To maximize your confidence in your safety while traveling and minimize the likelihood of experiencing a costly or dangerous event, CPPS has released the Safe Harbor: Travel Safety & Security Awareness eLearning Course.

The first module focuses on travel preparation:

  • Local laws, travel documentation

  • Travel documentation

  • Entry requirements

  • Destination familiarization

  • Registering with the embassy/consulate

The second module focuses on being in-transit:

  • Situational Awareness

  • Detecting Surveillance

  • Airports and Customs

  • Ground Transportation

The third and final module focuses on being at the destination:

  • Cybersecurity

  • Hotel security

  • Mitigating individual risks

  • Responding to emergencies

The Safe Harbor program empowers you to have the best experience possible, helping to keep you and your belongings safe. Rent or purchase this course today to ensure your travel experience remains secure and enjoyable.  Don’t leave rewarding travel to chance, be a stakeholder in your safety and security.