When Lightning Strikes

Recognizing and Responding
to Extreme Violence


A 10-minute video designed to equip learners to identify and appropriately respond to extreme violence situations.

After completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Define situational awareness

  • Describe early indicators of impending extreme violence

  • Define the Extreme Danger Gap

  • Explain response options for extreme violence

  • Outline appropriate interaction with law enforcement in an extreme violence event

Note: must be shown in conjunction with Flash Point Deescalating & Prevention Workplace Violence to be consistent with prevailing standards (OSHA 02-01-058 and ANSI ASIS WVPI AA-2020)

For Warehouse Settings

If your organization operates in a warehouse setting, you may be interested to know that CPPS has a specialized version of this program tailored specifically for this environment.


Did you know this program is a part of our Safe Workplace Unlimited Package?