
You’re about to unlock access to your free workplace violence training video and SB-553 guide. Watch the video below to learn more!

Workplace Violence Prevention Begins Here

Navigating California's new workplace violence legislation can be tough. We've helped organizations get consistent with standards for 20+ years, and we can help you too! This video isn't everything you need for SB-553 compliance, but it's a good start. We’ve also included the Navigating SB-553 Guide to show you what to focus on to be ready by the July 1, 2024 deadline. 

What You Get

When Lightning Strikes

This ten-minute video will help learners to: 

  • Define situational awareness 

  • Describe early indicators of impending extreme violence 

  • Explain response options for extreme violence 

  • Outline interaction with law enforcement

Navigating SB-533 Guide

This guide will help you understand: 

  • What’s included in the legislation

  • When it goes into effect

  • What organizations will be affected

  • What action you need to take

Download Your Free Training Video
and Navigating SB-553 Guide Here

Don't wait for a citation or tragedy to take action. Start protecting your organization today!