An eLearning course that aligns with legislation,
like California’s SB-553, and prevailing standards and
best practices, like those from ASIS International and OSHA.  

Course Highlights:

<20-minute runtime

Cost-effective customization options

Engaging activities with measurable learning

Consistent with standards from ASIS/ANSI, OSHA, and SB-553

After completion of this course, learners will be able to:

Define workplace violence

Recognize behaviors of concern

Understand intimate partner violence

Identify response and reporting options

Understand courses of action for responding to an active assailant event

Identify what to do when help arrives and reporting responsibilities

Compliance: customized to meet Compliance Requirements outlined in California’s SB-553

Customization for Compliance, Culture, and Content!

There are many reasons you may want to customize training, but there are three scenarios that are most common. CPPS has built cost-effective customization options for each of these to save you time and money.  

Common Scenario #1

To meet compliance requirements.

In order to align with California’s SB-553 (and other prevailing guidance, like that from ASIS International and OSHA), training needs to reflect your organization’s specific plans, policies, and procedures. For this, CPPS has created Core Customization, allowing you to easily integrate your organization’s information. This is the minimum customization needed to meet compliance requirements.  

Common Scenario #2

To better reflect your culture.

In order to maximize effectiveness of training, customizing to match your branding and reflect your culture goes a long way in generating buy-in from your people. For this, CPPS has created Cosmetic Customization, allowing you to integrate your policies and procedures and adding in your branding, like colors, fonts, and some imagery.  

Common Scenario #3

To address specific content.

In order to address specific concerns or audiences, training can be completely customized to empower your people. For this, CPPS has created Complete Customization. This enables you to change just about everything in the course, from the script and narrator to all of the imagery and even the learning activities. 

What People Are Saying

“I like how succinct the courses are and how much content you fit into such concise training. I like the interactive elements. They keep the learner engaged.
The acting is much better than some I've seen.”

"I like the way the content is direct and precise but still covers all the things we know need to be there.
There is a lot of very good stuff here." 

“I like the usage of multiple environments, questions asked throughout to check for understanding.
The reducing training time option is a plus for organizations concerned about keeping personnel engaged and the updated terminology used.”

Purchase Options

CPPS offers more ways than ever to obtain Workplace Violence Fundamental Training for your organization. All options are affordable and flexible with different benefits depending on what you’ll find most valuable. Ask the CPPS team about our 5 different purchase options!

Perpetual License

Annual License

Safe Workplace
Essentials Package

Safe Workplace
Standard Package

Safe Workplace
Unlimited Package

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