Workplace Violence Prevention
and Intervention (WVPI)
Program Development
Introducing CPPS' Workplace Violence Prevention and Intervention (WVPI) Program Development.
Included within this service is the composition of key Plans, Policies and Procedures that formulate a WVPI program. Namely, a WVPI policy, Program Governance, and Active Assailant Protocols. Each document will be developed to align with prevailing Standards, Best Practices, and your specific culture. Upon completion, the program will “walk, talk, and sound like” your organization.
This service includes virtual meetings with CPPS Subject Matter Experts to review and advise regarding development and implementation throughout the process. Our service may also include an Active Assailant Protocol Tabletop Exercise, where a CPPS Subject Matter Expert will familiarize key personnel with using the Protocol, run through a basic scenario, and debrief to identify and implement lessons learned.
Ensure the safety of your employees and demonstrate your commitment to workplace violence prevention and intervention. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in developing a comprehensive WVPI program.