Manufacturing Company Builds Best-In-Class Workplace Violence Program

The Challenge:
Providing Consistent Training to All Employees

A leading manufacturing company desired to build a best-in-class workplace violence program but faced challenges when determining how to efficiently and effectively train all staff. Most employees had access to computer-based learning but many staff, particularly in their manufacturing operations, did not. Understanding the complexity and importance of providing equal training to all staff, they sought expert assistance.

The Solution:
CPPS and the Safe Workplace Unlimited Package

This company partnered with CPPS to develop a single training curriculum which was then delivered through various modalities. A customized eLearning course was used to deliver training to those employees that had access to computer-based learning. A dozen company staff members went through CPPS’ Instructor Certification and became equipped to deliver training in-person to those employees who did not have access to computer-based learning.

  • eLearning course to train 60% of employees

  • Certified Instructors trained 40% of employees

  • 100% of employees trained with the same curriculum

Both the eLearning and the Instructor Certification courseware had been tailored to this client, to reflect their specific policies and procedures (which CPPS also helped create). This process was only used to provide employee level training, as all management staff had access to computer-based training. These managers and supervisors were able to complete all training through eLearning alone.

Why the Unlimited Package?

The Unlimited Package provided a holistic solution:

  • Custom Policies & Procedures: Tailored policies to align best-practice and company culture.

  • Employee Level Training: Customized eLearning and Instructor Certification to provide consistent training in two different modalities.

  • Manager Level Training: Customized eLearning to provide consistent and efficient training.

  • Regular Updates: Receive annual updates to their training to ensure content remains fresh and up-to-date for all employees and managers.

The Outcome:
Achieving a Safer Workplace

With CPPS's expert guidance and the robust features of the Unlimited Package, this company successfully:

  • Updated and refined their workplace violence prevention policies.

  • Implemented consistent training for employees through multiple delivery methods.

  • Provided customized training to efficiently enhance the understanding of managers.

Now, the company is not only compliant with national standards but has achieved the Safe Workplace Certification.

The Power of the Unlimited Package

For organizations facing complex safety challenges and stringent compliance requirements, the Safe Workplace Unlimited Package offers a comprehensive solution. This case study demonstrates how CPPS can transform your workplace safety program, ensuring compliance, by tailoring training to perfectly fit your needs.

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