Utility Company Achieves Compliance with SB-553 and Beyond

The Challenge:
Navigating SB-553 Compliance

A leading utility company in California faced the urgent need to comply with SB-553, a stringent workplace violence prevention law. They recognized gaps in their current program, including policy shortcomings, inadequate employee and manager training, and a lack of top-down communication and support from leadership. Understanding the complexity and magnitude of this task, they sought expert assistance.

The Solution:
CPPS and the Safe Workplace Unlimited Package

The utility company initiated their journey with CPPS by undergoing a comprehensive needs assessment. The findings revealed critical gaps in their program:

  • Policy modifications were necessary to meet SB-553 requirements.

  • Employee and manager training needed to be aligned with the new law.

  • Enhanced communication and leadership support were vital for effective implementation.

Realizing the scope of the required changes, the company decided to enroll in the Safe Workplace Unlimited Package from CPPS. This decision transformed their approach to workplace violence prevention.

Why the Unlimited Package?

The Unlimited Package provided a holistic solution:

  • Comprehensive Review and Custom Policies: Tailored policies to meet SB-553 standards and beyond.

  • Employee and Manager Training: Customized eLearning courses ensured thorough preparation and compliance yet still aligned with the culture of their organization.

  • Leadership Engagement: Structured communication and training fostered top-down support and a culture of safety.

  • Ongoing Expert Support: They now have continuous access to CPPS experts for consultation and guidance.

  • Regular Updates: They get up-to-date training materials and resources ensuring ongoing compliance and readiness as long as they are enrolled in the Unlimited Package.

The Outcome:
Achieving Compliance and Building a Safer Workplace

With CPPS's expert guidance and the robust features of the Unlimited Package, the utility company successfully:

  • Updated and refined their workplace violence prevention policies.

  • Implemented comprehensive training programs for employees and managers.

  • Established strong leadership involvement and communication channels.

  • Met the SB-553 compliance deadline.

Now, the company is not only compliant with SB-553 but is also on track to align with national standards and achieve the Safe Workplace Certification.

The Power of the Unlimited Package

For organizations facing complex safety challenges and stringent compliance requirements, the Safe Workplace Unlimited Package offers a comprehensive, done-for-you solution. This case study demonstrates how CPPS can transform your workplace safety program, ensuring compliance, enhancing training, and fostering a culture of safety from the top down.

Ready to Transform Your Workplace Safety?


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